Friday, December 14, 2007

Leggo my ego...

I just can't hold it in any more... if I do I may just explode... it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I don't understand it. It is everywhere, on almost everyone and the vanity behind it just makes me ill... Or at least my opinion is that it must be vanity or ego that prompts someone to do it. But, what do I know.

I am talking about tattoos. The discovery channel has a reality series called miami ink which I have never watched but see previews for during my favorite show... American Chopper. Yeah, I know Paul and Paul Jr. have them too...

I guess they must be nothing new since I watched Mel Gibsons movie Apocalypto and holy cow the ancient Myans' had tattoos all over their body, head, face, but, gut, knees and geesz... just everywhere.

So I sit in my office and this kid sits down at the computer a few down and I glance over and see a colorful lighthing bolt that starts behind his left ear and zigs and zags down the side of his face and neck who knows how far down below his clothing. Then I notice that each knuckle has some chicken scratch letters that looks like he spilled some black goo on his hands and if that is not enough he has even more marks on almost each finger between the knuckle and fingernail. Yeah, I admit it... I gawked, I stared... I am sure my mouth was gaping open and a look of amazement was my expression. Well I was really trying not to laugh out loud and just go off on a verbal rampage with no particular goal other than to insult someone who must be such an idiot and then maybe try to understand what would possess someone to do such a stupid idiotic thing.

Then of course in my day to day travels I run into all kinds of young people now who have done the most outrageous things to themselves in regard to this "body art". Its one thing to have a small symbol or inconspicuous tattoo somewhere that only your spouse may someday discover it, but, when you have daggers that come down your arm and below your shirtsleeve cuff and end on the back of your hand or wierd objects sticking above the collar of your shirt or in the upper chest, which is NOT covered by clothing... that just makes me wonder.

Not only do I wonder who in their right mind would ever take someone like this seriouly for any kind of professional job where they may have to dress for success the whole idea of that image and what it will look like in twenty of fifty years... can you imagine grandma or grandpa's neck with some image that now is so distored from the wrinkles and folds of skin that may come with old age...? It just makes me laugh and in my opinion realize how much these people must just "live for now" and not even consider the future, their possible careers and how they may be limiting themselves by these permanent body markings. Ugggghhh crazy, insane, stupid, idiotic, ridiculous, how moronic.

How egotistical must one be to do this to their body and think it "looks good" or makes them cool or popular, or whatever. Well maybe they crave to be different or stand out, or make a statement of independence that it is a simple way to do it. "Oh I'll just have a face tattooed on my neck..." or whatever. How insane. It'll be interesting to see how much more stupid these 20 somethings will look in twenty or thirty years from now.

Can you tell I hate tattoos and abhorr those who have them in places on their body where I have to see them when they are clothed. Yeah, I think they are morons.

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